Tuesday, April 14, 2009

NRS Nugget #2 Distance Learning

While managing data in preparation for NRS Reporting, special attention should be given to Distance Learning programming. Under NYS Policy, if a teacher prepared the first two packets for a student but the student did not return either of those first two packets, the student may be removed from NRS Reporting but the 24 hours of contact time may be accrued under EPE Policy. Instead of recording a 2 or a 4 under the contact hour attendance on the Instructional Activity, simply type in the code 9999. This code will cue ASISTS to count the 24 hours for EPE purposes but will remove the student from the NRS calculations. This will only be valid if the student was not actively enrolled in any other NRS eligible Instructional Activities in that same fiscal year.


Kate Buckley said...

Question - Tina went to assessment which gives her 4 hours. She then enrolled in a traditional GED class and attended for 6 hours. At this point she only has 10 hours so she is not included in the NRS report. Tina now enrolls in GRASP but does not return packet 1 and 2 – she now has 34 hours and is pulled into the NRS but doesn’t have a post-test because she really only attended for 6 hours. Can we use the 9999 to keep students that have < 12 hours of actual attendance out of the NRS so that they don’t pull our numbers down?

Rosemary said...

Yes Kate, you may use the 9999 code for students with the attendance record you stated in your example. When you apply the 9999 in place of the 1st or 2nd packet in a distance learning activity, it cues ASISTS to count 0 hours for that student from that distance learning activity toward the total hour count for that student. Bear in mind however that if a student has attended other activities for 12 or more hours prior to or after the distance learning activity, then that student would count on the NRS Report regardless of their actions during the distance learning activity. Hope this is clear, if not, please feel free to continue the conversation!

Lorraine said...

We ran into a problem when a teacher entered a 2 for the first packet in one month and a 2 two weeks later which was in the following month. When no return was made she notified data entry to exit the student under the 9999 code. Data entry entered the 9999 code in place of the 2 in the second month, which left the 2 in the first month. This caused the student to still be included in NRS. Our solution was to tell data entry to exit the student with a 9999 code as of the date of the first packet. I hope this helps.

Rosemary said...

That was a very good resolution Lorraine. Whenever a program utilizes the 9999 code, they should always eliminte any other number that had been previously entered into ASISTS. So if there was a 2 or a 4 entered representing the first two packets, that number should be removed and the 9999 put in its place. Your solution worked perfectly! Thanks for contributing to the discussion.